Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Chennai-yin NOT favourite!

Three months in Chennai and there's just one thing I can't digest. It's yellow, greasy and wriggles around all parts of the city. A worse affliction than anything that's shown up in a biopsy.

The auto.

The demands for a 3 km journey starts at nothing less than 60 rupees. If the driver is in a good mood, he'll probably go for 50. If he isn't, add 10%. No this isn't an air conditioned motor vehicle that runs on a Merc engine and has padded seats and super shock absorbers for extra comfort. The auto is the 21st century paying tribute to the Boneshaker.

And while Chennai has one of the lowest crime rates in the country, this daylight robbery continues every day. On every street.


Benedict G said...

good one on chennai auto... i hated these guys.. in fact i bashed up one guy and nearly got murdered..

Now I kinda of love them.. they are crooks, and fleecers.But they help sharpen my wits. Try taking an auto to a client meeting it helps a great deal. You deal wid same tribe overall.

What do u do in chennai?

Benedict G said...

good one on chennai auto... i hated these guys.. in fact i bashed up one guy and nearly got murdered..

Now I kinda of love them.. they are crooks, and fleecers.But they help sharpen my wits. Try taking an auto to a client meeting it helps a great deal. You deal wid same tribe overall.

What do u do in chennai?