Tuesday, January 08, 2008

New Year Seethings

On January 1, 2008, I received a ton of messages wishing me well for the next 364 days. All along predictable lines, boring as hell. "May Father Time shower you with prosperity and happiness during every minute of the ... blah blah blah blah ... belch."

Finally when I thought I had seen the last of them, another one rang the bell on my phone. It was from a friend of several years, Pritam Shetty. A man whose reputation for a wicked sense of humour went miles before him.

His message read thus.

"To all those who last year sent me best wishes for 2007, well it didn't fucking work!!! So for 2008 could you please send me money, alcohol or car keys."

I thanked him for making my day.

1 comment:

Fictitioustruth said...

I think your torture is relatable to anyone. The worst sundrome is you also play the game and expected to send similar platitudes to the well intended souls who have messaged you.

read this funny one on another blog (http://jaiarjun.blogspot.com/2008/01/how-to-reply-to-new-year-smses.html). This was what this guy sent to out...

""May flowering bloomers dot each day of the magically munificent year ahead. May the mountains bring Mohammed to you and may all the rivers run resplendently. May effulgent sunshine shine all over your bountiful person."
